Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Finding your quiet

"For now she need not think about anybody.
She could be herself. And that was what now ,she often felt the need of-to think; well not even to think.
To be silent; to be alone. All the being and the doing, expansive, glittering, vocal, evaporated...
Although she continued to KNIT, and sat upright, it was thus that she felt herself; and this self having shed its attachments was free for the strangest adventures."

from "To the Lighthouse" Virginia Woolf, 1927


It is a constant struggle to reconnect with myself.  To check in and verify that I have substance...that I am more than a mother, wife, maid, cook, tutor, chauffeur, and personal shopper.  I have intellegent thoughts and ideas...I am an that often gets lost admist the to-do lists and frantic yells of "MOM!"....but an individual none the less.  I have been spending more time of late trying to reconnect with the person that I viualize internally.  The woman I want to be.  I have been setting goals FOR MYSELF and meeting them.  The amount of satisfaction that I reap from meeting these mundane goals is amazing. 
I have also been spending more time having internal conversations with myself.  I know...I risk being committed by admitting it, but I knit, and have an internal dialog (the soothing repitition of knit, purl, knit, purl lulls me to my quiet place)...I check in with myself...sift through the happenings of the day...and process it all. 
Knitting, reading, meditation, cross stitch, crochet, painting...pick your passion.  I often put these things aside when life gets hectic.  I forget how essential this down time is.  Time to free my mind from the stress of the day and just be alone and quiet.  It is healing...this calm, quiet, down time.  I encourage you all to find something healthy that provides this for you, or pick up that hobby that you have put aside in order to focus on something more mundane such as cleaning your toilets.  Let them stay dirty for one more hour, one more day...take some time today to reconnect with yourself and remember that you are're an interesting individual and you have worth...You are worth an hour out of the day to work on yourself...on your happiness.  I'd love to hear how you find your peace and reconnect with yourself.  Good leave me alone...I'm going to my quiet place....shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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